Don’t Feel Guilty for Not ”Fixing It”
2022 brings along with it plenty of new opportunities. It’s a time for growth and change. It’s time to begin anew and set some goals for ourselves.
However, how do we set some goals if 2021 is still a challenge?
Is there anyone else facing the difficulties that 2021 left behind? If you are. I want to hear about yours while I share mine.
Family Was My Biggest Struggle
I’ve written in regards to this before. In 2021 I left behind a bad situation. I moved from one sister’s house to another. After years of struggling, things just weren’t working anymore. Living in that home was costing me my mental health.
We are constantly conditioned to believe that family is everything.
What happens when that familial connection is what is broken? Whare we supposed to do then?
I’m not going to claim to have the answers to this. This topic is one that everyone must deal with independently. What I want to do is to provide you with my personal outlook. To see how I’m dealing with my own situation.
My hope, is that it will help someone else not feel alone in their situation.