It’s Time to Part Ways With Content Mills

Amanda Bussman
4 min readApr 16, 2024
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

Over the past several years, I’ve gotten by on content mills. I will not say I’ve survived or made a life for myself. I’ve merely put cash in my pocket to get through the week.

This is not a way to live.

Content mills are not the way to get by.

Sure, they will give you the bare minimum and teach you a few useful things. In the grand scheme of things? Content mills will not be where you find your footing.

If you’re a business and you’re relying on these places for content, what are you doing? Why on earth trust a content mill over finding the right writer for your brand?

It’s time to trust yourself as a writer (or your business) and grow. Let’s look at why a content mill should be something you move on from.

The Bare Minimum for Your Buck

You want writing on your website and you don’t know where to begin bringing in an audience. You read that this website is offering low-cost SEO writing. It’s a great deal, isn’t it?

The truth is, just because they’re offering you SEO writing, it doesn’t mean that your articles are going to have heart in them. These websites offer you streamlined material that checks boxes. It might as well be AI-generated content.



Amanda Bussman

If you're looking for a writing coach and someone who is working through generational trauma, you've come to the right place. OH! I hope you like Taylor Swift!