
Your piece just hit me to my core. While our experiences aren't exactly similar, so much of this stands in my own mind. Childhood trauma has lasting effects that never fade and I feel so envious of those who don't understand them. I guess in a way it's all just part of the stories of who we are. As flippant as it sounds. The things that we make it through teach us how to grow (and how to not do things).

Thank you for sharing this, the clarity and understanding it provided is one that I'm still trying to deal with.

I hope the move went well and that you have some time now to decompress from being around her. Sending all of the good vibes your way.

Cannot wait to continue reading the rest of your pieces. Thank you again.



Amanda Bussman
Amanda Bussman

Written by Amanda Bussman

If you're looking for a writing coach and someone who is working through generational trauma, you've come to the right place. OH! I hope you like Taylor Swift!

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